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Hvordan jeg kan bruke C-vitamin

We use this powder for the Pauling/Rath therapy (megadoses of Vitamin C) for cardiovascular disease, and for overall well-being. The Carlson ascorbic acid crystals are very fine and dissolve easily in water or juice, and can be made into a Liposomal vitamin C solution. Liposomal vitamin C may in fact be better absorbed in the gut (by combining lecithin granules and ascorbic acid); I have found that this combined mixture prevents getting the ‘runs’ or stomach upset/bloating at higher dosages( >4,000mg). (Search for «Homemade Lypo C») Also, I like the fact that Carlson’s ascorbic acid is NOT made from corn. For anyone who may have a corn sensitivity or allergy, this is important. I also appreciate the fact that iHerb ships this large container to Canada via USPS to save me on shipping costs! Keep up the good work iHerb!


søtt Sjokoladebrød med Zucchini

 Litt søtt skje brød

Pumkin bread

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